Our director Mike coiling up some line.

Who is Corvus Professional?

With over 20 years of rescue experience, our director, Mike Lackman, blends his experience in professional fire rescue, service in the Air Force and mountain guiding to push his students to think critically and adapt to new situations.

  • AMGA Certified Single-Pitch Instructor & Apprentice Alpine/Rock/Ski Guide
  • AIARE Recreational Course Leader
  • Peak Rescue Institute Instructor
  • Fire Service Instructor
  • SPRAT Level 1
  • ITRA Rope Rescue L3
  • ITRA Rope Rescue Instructor

Our Approach

You operate in a complex, ever changing environment where success and safety require solid skills, rapid analysis and constant adaptability. We help individuals and teams develop their operational capacity in any venue. With customized curricula, we work with you to identify what your team needs and wants, rather than having a one size fits all solution or cookie cutter classes. Adapt smarter and execute with confidence. 

Demonstrating a rescue in an arena

A Comprehensive Approach

Professional Rescuers

Conditions, terrain and hazards all effect the success and ease of a rescue. By developing your skills beyond the basics, you can develop a more effective and efficient rescue operation.

Our Director climbing in the mountains

Expert Guidance

Mountain Athletes

We work with you to develop the skills to help you help yourself when you're away from the crowd; because any time you recreate in remote locations, self-rescue is the best rescue. 

Instructor demonstrating a rescue on an ice wall

The Path to Success

Mountain Professionals

When things go sideways, being well practiced in rescue skills will help you confidently and smoothly guide clients, bystanders and team members to effect an efficient rescue, no matter the terrain.